PHPQA = jakzal/phpqa
PHPQA_RUN = $(DOCKER_RUN) --init -it --rm -v $(PWD)/app:/project -w /project $(PHPQA)

#PHPUNIT = APP_ENV=test $(SYMFONY) php bin/phpunit

## === 🆘  HELP ==================================================
help: ## Show this help.
	@echo "Symfony-And-Docker-Makefile"
	@echo "---------------------------"
	@echo "Usage: make [target]"
	@echo ""
	@echo "Targets:"
	@grep -E '(^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##.*$$)|(^##)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}{printf "\\033[32m%-30s\\033[0m %s\\n", $$1, $$2}' | sed -e 's/\\[32m##/[33m/'

## === 🐛  PHPQA =================================================
qa-cs-fixer-dry-run: ## Run php-cs-fixer in dry-run mode.
	$(PHPQA_RUN) php-cs-fixer fix ./src --rules=@Symfony --verbose --dry-run
.PHONY: qa-cs-fixer-dry-run

qa-cs-fixer: ## Run php-cs-fixer.
	$(PHPQA_RUN) php-cs-fixer fix ./src --rules=@Symfony --verbose
.PHONY: qa-cs-fixer

qa-phpstan: ## Run phpstan.
	$(PHPQA_RUN) phpstan analyse ./src --level=7
.PHONY: qa-phpstan

qa-security-checker: ## Run security-checker.
	$(SYMFONY) security:check
.PHONY: qa-security-checker

qa-phpcpd: ## Run phpcpd (copy/paste detector).
	$(PHPQA_RUN) phpcpd ./src
.PHONY: qa-phpcpd

qa-php-metrics: ## Run php-metrics.
	$(PHPQA_RUN) phpmetrics --report-html=var/phpmetrics ./src
.PHONY: qa-php-metrics

qa-lint-twigs: ## Lint twig files.
	$(SYMFONY_LINT)twig ./templates
.PHONY: qa-lint-twigs

qa-lint-yaml: ## Lint yaml files.
	$(SYMFONY_LINT)yaml ./config
.PHONY: qa-lint-yaml

qa-lint-container: ## Lint container.
.PHONY: qa-lint-container

qa-lint-schema: ## Lint Doctrine schema.
	$(SYMFONY_CONSOLE) doctrine:schema:validate --skip-sync -vvv --no-interaction
.PHONY: qa-lint-schema

## === 🔎  TESTS =================================================
tests: ## Run tests.
	$(PHPUNIT) --testdox
.PHONY: tests

tests-coverage: ## Run tests with coverage and create html report in var/coverage.
	$(PHPUNIT) --coverage-html var/coverage
.PHONY: tests-coverage